Good News for Personal Injury Claims Defendants
20 DEC 2019
There was some good news from the Circuit Court in Galway yesterday (Thursday, December 19th). Supermac’s was successful in appealing a ruling that ordered that ordered that Supermac’s share its CCTV footage with the claimant’s legal team. Supermac’s successfully argued that the claimant’s description of the circumstances of an incident via affidavit, medical reports, legal instructions etc. differed from the Supermac’s version of events. The only evidence in support of Supermac’s defence was the CCTV footage.
The former President of the Circuit Court, Judge Raymond Groarke, said in the Circuit Court yesterday that, on principal, it’s wrong that any party should gain an advantage through discovery. He allowed Supermac’s appeal.
This is good news. Claimants should not have an automatic right to discovery of CCTV footage. Supermac’s strongly believes that claimants should state their case in detail, supported by sworn affidavit, prior to any CCTV footage being shared and Supermac’s will vigorously defend this issue in every future case on foot of this judgement which sets a precedent.