Open letter to Tracey Solicitors in relation to insurance claims
16 APR 2021
To: Tracey Solicitors Dublin
Re: Personal Injuries Claims
Dear Sirs,
I am writing an open letter to you in relation to several Personal Injuries actions which you are taking against my companies. The reason for this open letter is that, outside of your demands for CCTV footage, you have either refused or neglected to respond to my replies to these actions that you are taking on behalf of your clients and I feel that it is important that we clear up a number of issues.
On reading each of your letters of claim, I am struck by how they are almost identical in nature despite them being for 3 separate claimants even though the three alleged incidents are substantially different from each other. Indeed, the only difference between the 3 letters is the name of the claimant in the reference section. Is there a reason for this?
Your letters are intimidating and threatening. I can only assume your intention is to have the effect of scaremongering to elicit a response? Yet, when I do respond you ignore it. The only time we have heard directly from you is when you demand CCTV footage.
Why do your Letters of Claim state that we are responsible and liable for the claimants alleged injuries without any actual proof?
Why do you automatically assume we are responsible when this is a matter for the Courts to decide?
You also leave out the addresses of your clients in your letters, is this in case we would try and make contact with them directly and perhaps deal with the matter without your involvement? I again can only assume that you are doing this in order to ensure the matter progresses as far as possible thus ensuring higher legal fees for you and your company.
In your letters, you have suggested that I pass them onto my insurer. Why would you not wish to engage with me directly particularly given the fact that I am self-insured in many instances? Again, I can only assume that you feel you can reach a much better outcome with the Insurance companies than those who are self-insured like myself, as it is abundantly clear that insurance companies are much more willing to settle claims. When I have replied to these letters requesting further details of the alleged incidents and alleged injuries, why have you chosen not to respond and give me details which would allow me to investigate and deal with your alleged claim on a more expeditious basis and perhaps avoid the need to bring matters to the Courts?
Why do you choose to respond only when a Solicitor has been appointed on our behalf and PIAB proceedings have issued?
I have noted also that you choose to issue your legal proceedings in the Circuit Court and High Court as opposed to the District Court when clearly some of these alleged incidents referred to should be at District Court level, if they even merit the issuing of proceedings at all? Again, is this so that you can ensure you obtain higher legal fees for you and your company?
I look forward to your response to this letter and to the questions that I have raised above.
Yours faithfully,